Afghanistan | Adaptation of Environmental Law for the conservation and sustainable management of the snow leopard and its prey species. | Conduct a series of workshops to build capacity and raise awareness among local communities, law enforcement agencies, local governmental authorities, media, and civil society. |
Draft CITES Regulation to control the trade of the snow leopard and its prey species out of the country. | Conduct workshops to build capacity and raise awareness among the legislative bodies. Establish a working group to draft the CITES Regulation. Lobby for the CITES Regulation to be passed through the National Assembly. Establish CITES Regulation enforcement group in airports and transit highways to reduce wildlife trade. Conduct further capacity development through training and workshops to strengthen CITES regulation. | |
Draft the Hunting Law to stop poaching and illegal trade of wildlife, in particular the snow leopard and its prey species. | Conduct a series of workshops to build capacity and raise awareness among the legislative bodies. Establish a working group to draft the law. Lobby for the law to be passed through the National Assembly. Establish a law enforcement group for coordination and cooperation between related agencies. | |
Bhutan | Strengthen institutions and build capacity to develop enough expertise within the country for conservation. | Establish Program Management Unit at central department. Establish a conservation laboratory at UWICE. Establish community participatory structures for each model landscape in northern protected areas. Initiate short trainings to build capacity of relevant departments and community. Provide scholarships to snow leopard range communities for pursuing higher education in nature conservation. |
Review existing Forest and Nature Conservation Act to strengthen law enforcement through sound policy. | Develop amendments to the Forest and Nature Conservation Act of Bhutan 1995. Get endorsement from the Parliament of Bhutan. Enact new amendments. | |
China | Mainstream snow leopard conservation into national strategy for ecological civilization construction to promote extension of protection and management system in snow leopard range areas and local law-enforcement system to combat illegal trade. | Publish special national plan for snow leopard conservation and undertake policy research to ensure its implementation; guide local governments to publish regional plan for actual implementation of the national plan on the ground; increase investment for establishment of new protection and management stations in conservation-blind areas and improve capacities by ensuring necessary facilities, equipment, etc. for the stations and training courses for staff. |
Strive for additional support of national legislation and policies. | Undertake research on national legislation and policies for wildlife conservation and propose additional measures added into existing laws, regulations, and policies. | |
India | Set up a training and capacity building regime for stakeholder partners in snow leopard conservation and sensitizing and mainstreaming of conservation to stakeholders. | Training plans, consultation workshops, action plan preparations for habitations. |
Set up one management unit in each state, which can work with stakeholders on collaborative conservation actions. Organize management of habitats in the identified landscapes. | Conduct start-up workshops with the concerned forest/wildlife departments to enable conservation action. Prepare a management plan for identified landscapes based on the MoEFs’ PSL Management Planning Guidelines. | |
Kazakhstan | Develop ecotourism and other forms of alternative livelihood support to local people. | |
Kyrgyz Republic | Conduct training sessions on monitoring of snow leopards and other animals listed in the Kyrgyz Republic Red Book. Organize and conduct trainings and round table meetings with staff of SAEPF and other state environmental structures on the problems of snow leopard conservation. Introduce “Management of Nature Reserves” program in Kyrgyz Republic universities. | Conduct seminars and trainings as part of realization of projects. Realization of cooperative projects. |
Inventory legal framework to identify deficiencies in laws to conserve red-listed species. Strengthening of administrative and criminal liability for illegal hunting and snaring of snow leopards and other red-listed species. Set up compensation for harm or damage. Prohibition on transfer of lands from nature reserves in the snow leopard range. | Create framework. Develop projects to make changes to existing legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. Organize public hearings on planned changes to the legal framework for biodiversity conservation. | |
Supporting the GSLEP Secretariat. Development and realization of projects on snow leopard conservation. Creation projects. Create and strengthen intergovernmental and international partner relations to support snow leopard conservation. | Research international experience and national legislation related to snow leopard and habitat conservation in other range countries. Attract financing to conduct analysis of snow leopard genetic information. | |
Mongolia | Increase funding and capacity of state and local PAs and provincial environment departments. | Make necessary changes in methodology for allocation of funds for nature and endangered species conservation. |
Increase funding for conservation. | Change concerned laws to spend money collected for natural resource use for conservation. | |
Nepal | Strengthen capacity of local, regional, and national-level staff members engaged in conserving snow leopards, prey, and their habitats. | Train national, regional, and local staff members to address snow leopard conservation issues. Train field and central staff members in information gathering, analysis, and report writing for CBD, CMS, CITES, UNESCO, Ramsar, etc. Grant-writing skill development. |
Review and reform, as needed, existing policies, to upgrade effective law enforcement and efficient service delivery. | Review and revise existing policies, Act, Regulations, PA Management Plans, and Snow Leopard Action Plan, focusing on poaching and illegal trade in parts. Build capacity for effective law enforcement. Create an enabling environment to promote community-based wildlife organizations responsible for snow leopard conservation. Develop mechanism for sustainable use of wildlife resources considering livelihood of local communities. | |
Pakistan | Institutional strengthening, capacity building, and sensitization and mainstreaming of snow leopard conservation among stakeholders. | Establish a Snow Leopard Ecosystem Cell at the federal level. Program Management Unit at federal level and Program Implementation Units at provincial levels. Establish community participatory structures for each model landscape. Initiate short trainings to build capacity of relevant departments and communities. Initiate a diploma/certificate course in nature conservation, focusing on staff of relevant departments, conservation organizations, and communities in the snow leopard range. Provide scholarships to snow leopard range communities for pursuing higher education in nature conservation. |
Russia | Develop and introduce into practice new methodology for allocation of federal funding for conservation by regional wildlife protection agencies. | Develop new methodology for allocation and submission to federal government. Approval of the methodology by government. Enacting the methodology. |
Completely ban musk deer harvesting in the habitats of snow leopard. | Develop amendments to regional harvesting regulations. Launching awareness campaigns in the regions. Enact the new policies. | |
Ensure environmental impact assessment of any mining and capital construction projects occurring in the habitat of snow leopards and other Red Book-listed species. | Develop amendments to federal law of Russia #174 . Obtain government approval of developed amendments. Enact new amendments. | |
Strengthen laws and regulations on illegal harvesting, transportation, and storing of species listed in Russian Red Data Book. | Develop amendments to Administrative and Criminal Codes of Russia. Obtain government approval of developed amendments. Enact new amendments. | |
Tajikistan | Use the Snow Leopard Coordination Committee as a vehicle to strengthen institutional capacity to address snow leopard conservation issues. Develop more active and efficient institutions for the conservation of snow leopards. | Train national, regional, and local staff in snow leopard conservation issues so that they can translate the information collected into sound policies and share them at international meetings (CBD, CMS, CITES etc.). Support staff in grant writing. |
Reform of the hunting law and the conservation and sustainable use of the prey of the snow leopard (Marco Polo sheep, ibex, and markhor). | Establish the Committee on Environmental Protection, a working group that will be responsible for the development and implementation of the law. Create an enabling environment for the development of community-based wildlife organizations responsible for the conservation and sustainable use of the snow leopard prey. Ensure that proceeds from hunting are distributed according to the new law in an equitable and transparent manner. | |
Uzbekistan | Snow Leopard Coordination Committee. | Use the Snow Leopard Coordination Committee as a vehicle to strengthen institutional capacity to address snow leopard conservation issues. |
Global Support Component | Knowledge sharing and networking. | Support enhancing knowledge exchange by creating a knowledge network and by providing space for learning, building on existing snow leopard related networks. A regional network will be formed comprising the UNDP regional teams, UNDP Country Offices in range countries, partner civil society organizations, and key government actors that are working on snow leopard and habitat management, as well as the non-conservation actors who have positive or negative influences on snow leopard landscape management. The network will also involve training and research institutes, which can help shape new research and knowledge on this issue and help build and anchor capacities in the region. |
Systemic and institutional capacity development.
| Through the regional network described above, provide cost-effective support to the range countries in developing systemic and institutional capacity for snow leopard and habitat management. This could entail reviewing existing policies, upgrading law enforcement and making it more effective, and implementation of effective protected area and landscape management. This will be done through creation of an enabling environment to promote protected-area landscape management; capacity building of organizations including community-based organizations responsible for snow leopard conservation; and development of mechanisms for sustainable use of wildlife resources considering the livelihood of local communities. | |
Leadership development, advocacy, and awareness. | The knowledge network will help create a regional advocacy agenda to support stronger participation of government policy makers, company executives, and religious leaders in snow leopard conservation and habitat management. The Collaborative Leadership for development approach will be employed to mobilize resources and people to achieve the GSLEP in a harmonious manner. The objective is to inspire, to connect, and to empower leadership teams (emerging and current leaders) so that they will be able to catalyze necessary resources in their respective countries. This requires both leadership skills and technical knowledge of what works to achieve those results. The GSC will assist the range countries to achieve this objective. | |