Вовлечение промышленности
Развитие снежного барса
В партнерстве с промышленностью страны ареала хотят обеспечить, чтобы программы и проекты в области промышленности, инфраструктуры и развития сельских районов в полной мере учитывали потребности сохранения снежных барсов и их экосистемы, не оказывают неблагоприятного воздействия или не разделяют ключевые популяции или критические места обитания и используют благоприятные для живой природы конструкции, компенсацию и другие средства смягчения последствий.
Это основные принципы и они реагируют на значительную возникающую угрозу, которую представляет растущее экономическое развитие в местах обитания снежного барса, если это развитие не будет предпринято экологически обоснованным образом.
В настоящее время три страны планируют соответствующие мероприятия, но предлагаемый GSC, «Развитие крупномасштабной инфраструктуры», поддерживает эту цель и направлен на повышение осведомленности среди всех стран снежного барса о существующих механизмах снижения или устранения неблагоприятного воздействия проектов развития на снежных барсов и их среду обитания ,
Портфолио в сфере привлечения промышленности
Country | Objective | Key Activities |
China | Improve participation of industrial bodies in conservation of snow leopards and ecosystem. | Invite industrial communities to join relevant events for their deeper understanding of snow leopard conservation; establish suitable channels and platforms for their investment to support conservation together with governmental agencies, research institutions, and NGOs; widespread information dissemination of participation of pilot industrial bodies in conservation to encourage more participation. |
India | Engaging with industry involved in infrastructure development in snow leopard range. | Effort to proactively minimize negative impacts of development projects and seek funding for conservation programs. |
Russia | Involvement of big industrial companies in conservation of snow leopards and support of PAs via development of corporate social responsibility and payment for ecosystem services. | Develop programs for big industrial companies to support conservation of key snow leopard populations and their habitats in cooperation with local communities and PAs. Start the program in at least in two regions. |
Tajikistan | Greening industry practices to ensure that industry development does not hinder snow leopards and their prey. | Communicate with Ministry of Water and Mining on proposed development projects in snow leopard and prey habitat. If warranted, carry out environmental impact assessment according to internationally accepted guidelines. |
Global Support Component | Awareness and coalition building to mainstream conservation in large-scale infrastructure development activities. | Enhance individual competence among high-level policy and decision makers by creating awareness to ensure all sectors mainstream environmental issues in all their polices, plans, programs and projects. To do so, the GSC will assist in the implementation of two Executive Leadership Forums (ELFs) in two clusters of countries. High-level decision makers from government agencies, non-government, and private/corporate sector dealing with large-scale infrastructure growth, natural resource and land management issues, finance and planning, and law enforcement will be invited to participate. The ELF will help the executive leaders to analyze the potential mitigation strategies for large-scale infrastructural development projects.Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), a statutory requirement at the planning stage of major developments in most snow leopard range countries, are not always carried out rigorously. This part of the GSC will assist and encourage meaningful participation of industry and the private sector in snow leopard conservation through technical workshops to share the highest professional and international standards and practices in terms of ESIAs and smart green infrastructure, which are is important step in minimizing adverse effects on snow leopards, their prey and habitat, as well as other critical elements of biodiversity. |