Seek help, share data or become a PAWS collaborator
PAWS Help Desk
A Technical Advisory Panel and a Help Desk committee, comprising of leading snow leopard scientists, statisticians, and a representative of the GSLEP National Focal Points, has supervised and provided scientific guidance to PAWS.
The Advisory panel is responsible for providing scientific oversight and guidance. This includes development and approval of methods and sampling strategy standards for PAWS, providing support and guidance to implementing partners, and supervising data analyses and interpretations.
The Help Desk committee has been set up to help deliver on the specific goals of developing good practices, manuals, training modules and support in planning and analysis of national survey data. The Help desk is there to provide teams with PAWS support- so do get in touch
Contribute to PAWS
We would like to invite organizations and individuals interested in contributing to PAWS to join this initiative as partners.
One major focus of PAWS – and a condition for its success – is the establishment of agreed-upon best practices and protocols for data collection and management for population assessment. This includes undertaking new studies as well as the inclusion of existing abundance data into a global estimate. Do you have data to contribute? or are you planning an abundance survey in a new site? Please get in touch to support PAWS.
Get in touch