GSLEP Initiatives
To achieve the GSLEP program’s goals, the GSLEP secretariat, range country government agencies and partner organizations are implementing several key research and conservation projects across the snow leopard range.
Participate in PAWS, the joint effort by governments, conservation organizations and scientists to produce a robust estimate of the threatened cat’s population status within the next 5 years.
Combatting Illegal Wildlife Trade and Poaching
Combating illegal wildlife trade and poaching is one of the Priority areas of GSLEP. To address this priority area, GSLEP along with it’s partners have developed a range of initiatives.
Conservation For Development
The Conservation-For-Development model proposes a alternative development model that relies on the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of ecosystem services.
Management Planning
Assisted by the GSLEP secretariat, snow leopard range countries are working with all interested stakeholders on management plans to guide conservation efforts in their priority snow leopard landscapes.
Encounters with Snow Leopards
People and snow leopards share space across the range, which can lead to a variety of human-snow leopard interactions. Information on these interactions from across the range is collected through this portal.