Catalyst grants available to range countries for developing management plans of snow leopard landscapes.
A catalyst grants program to support snow leopard range countries in developing management plans for GSLEP landscapes was proposed at the GSLEP Steering Committee Meeting held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on March 19-20, 2015.
Following a meeting of the GSLEP Secretariat, Snow Leopard Trust and WWF-US at the sidelines of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 21st Conference of Parties in Paris on December 7, 2015, a few modifications/ improvements have been made to the program.
The World Wildlife Fund–US and the Snow Leopard Trust, supported by USAID, agree to provide catalyst funds of up to $5,000 per country to help offset the costs of the development of management plans for one or more landscapes in the country.
1. Range country governments or their partner organizations can request up to $5,000 by sending a brief proposal of activities and timelines in line with the climate smart management planning guidelines developed together and approved by the range countries. Advice papers will also available for the various sections of the management planning guidelines. Click here for a copy of the guidelines, in English and Russian.
2. With no more than one grant available per country, the deadline is open and rolling until the funds for 7 such grants are exhausted.
3. The Landscape Management Planning Guidelines approved by the range countries will serve as the outline for the Management Plan.
4. The management plans should be completed latest by 30th June, 2017.
5. The funds are meant to help offset the overall costs of the development of management plans.
6. The funds can be used for supporting management planning work including items such as climate change analyses, natural resource mapping, stakeholder consultations, etc.; or to pay landscape management planning coordinator(s), assistants, experts or consultants towards preparation of the management plans.
7. A completed Landscape Management Plan will serve as the final report for the funding.
8. Three fourths of the funding will be provided within 2 weeks of approval of the proposal, and the remaining one fourth will be provided upon completion of the management plan.
9. Each range country is eligible for one catalyst grant.
To avail this small grant, please send a brief proposal and budget to the GSLEP Secretariat (