Building Capacity for Cross-Sectoral Response
Working Together Across Sectors
- Across the range, there is limited capacity to engage in community-based conservation and the main efforts have been undertaken by NGOs. Capacity enhancement in community-based conservation, both for wildlife managers and NGO representatives, is a critical need for effective snow leopard conservation, as is the cooperation between governmental and non-governmental organizations.
- Government, NGOs, and program implementers should be encouraged to work with the business sector to employ offsets and wildlife-friendly design, especially with regards to the extractive industries and infrastructural development (including major roads, railroads, hydropower, and mineral development).
- Current status and trends of key snow leopard populations should be evaluated. Along with conservation action, scientific research and monitoring should be intensified to inform future action and policy, adapting them in response to changing conditions and new knowledge. There is a need to develop and implement a standardized, cost-effective monitoring protocol for use across the range, with local adaptation as needed.
- These principles are addressed under the themes of the Bishkek Declaration related to engaging local communities, building capacity and enhancing conservation policies and institutions, research and monitoring, and engaging industry.