Senior officials from all snow leopard range countries to meet in Bishkek to finalize the agenda and policy documents for the 2017 Global Forum.
The main purpose of the meeting are to ascertain the level of the participation from range countries to the Forum, review recommendations from the nine thematic expert groups for acceptance into country policies, review the draft of the Declaration of the Forum, and discuss the main objectives of the Green Investment Forum.
The Government of Kyrgyz Republic and the GSLEP Secretariat will take care of the travel and accommodation of one Senior Official from each country.
The meeting will be held at Jannat Regency Hotel in Bishkek
August 2nd & 3rd, 2017
Download the draft agenda as a PDF document
Please refer to the logistics note for details about travel, visa, and accommodation (coming soon)
If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact Dr. Koustubh Sharma, International Coordinator of the GSLEP Program at