The GSLEP secretariat is inviting official representatives of all snow leopard range countries to participate in two consecutive workshops in Kathmandu, Nepal, aimed at building momentum towards developing management plans for the snow leopard landscapes identified under the Global Snow Leopard & Ecosystem Protection Program to be ‘secured by 2020’. The first workshop (April 20 – 23, 2016) is dedicated to management planning. Its fundamental objectives are to:

  • Share knowledge & build capacity of in snow leopard range countries for management planning for GSLEP landscapes
  • Use General Guidelines for Snow Leopard Landscape Management Plan, articulated through Climate-Smart Open Standards conservation planning approach, to begin to develop management plan for pilot GSLEP landscape (Kanchenjunga) as well as the other snow leopard landscapes.
  • Assist participants in preparing detailed outline of their own country landscape management plans

Click here for a draft agenda (PDF, 600KB)