GSLEP Structure
How do we operate?
The Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program (GSLEP) is a unique alliance of range country governments and non-governmental partners.
In the 2013 Bishkek Declaration, the 12 snow leopard range countries endorsed a comprehensive, long-term Global Snow Leopard Conservation Program – this was the birth of GSLEP.
They further agreed to form a high-level Steering Committee to guide Program implementation, regularly review its progress, and maintain a strong political commitment to its objectives, and to establish a Program Secretariat based in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, to coordinate Program implementation that is adequately resourced and staffed by the range countries and the international community.
They also explicitly expressed the appreciation for the support of initial strategic partners including the Global Environment Facility, Global Tiger Initiative, Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), Snow Leopard Conservancy, Snow Leopard Trust, United Nations Development Programme, United States Agency for International Development, World Bank, World Wildlife Fund, and others for the cause of snow leopard conservation, and invite all interested stakeholders to expand partnerships to enhance the Program.
Discover the institutions that make up GSLEP
Range Countries
The snow leopard occurs in twelve nations in Central and South Asia. In an unprecedented alliance, all of those countries have come together to endorse the GSLEP program.
The Secretariat’s mission is to assist the snow leopard range countries1 and partner organizations to implement the Bishkek Declaration by coordinating and facilitating the implementation of the Global Snow Leopard & Ecosystem Protection Program.
The implementation of GSLEP would not be possible without the financial, technical and logistical support of a large number of partners, including non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations, institutional funders, academic institutions and the private sector.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is a high-level alliance of decision-makers within and among snow leopard range countries providing stewardship and championing strategic issues, and innovative solutions in support of the GSLEP.