A youngster’s appeal

A youngster’s appeal

  Youth, I find, are generally an angry people. In adolescence, people realize that the world is an imperfect place, and they begin to concern themselves with things that seem bigger and older than them. At the age I am now, 15 years old, I begin to find myself angry...
Poaching and illegal wildlife trade

Poaching and illegal wildlife trade

  Illegal hunting of snow leopards is a serious threat to the species in Central Asia Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) has recently led to local and global extinctions of several species such as the tiger in several parts of its range, Sumatran rhino and...
Snow leopard conservation updates: Kyrgyzstan

Snow leopard conservation updates: Kyrgyzstan

Several research and conservation initiatives are being implemented in Kyrgyzstan toward achieving the goals of GSLEP program. This kind of collaboration between government agencies and non-government agencies can be replicated for future conservation and research...