GSLEP Publications

Browse and download all publications produced under the GSLEP program to date.

SI NoTitleCategoryYearView
on cooperation between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on the Conservation of the Snow Leopard and its and its habitat in the Northern Tien Shan Mountains
Official documents2024View|Download
68The Samarkand ResolutionOfficial documents2024View|Download
67Linear Infrastructure in Snow Leopard Landscapes finalPolicy advisory2024View|Download
66GSLEP program update Bhutan
Presentation 2024View|Download
65GSLEP program update ChinaPresentation 2024View|Download
65GSLEP program update India
Presentation 2024View|Download
64GSLEP program update KazakhstanPresentation 2024View|Download
63GSLEP program update KyrgyzstanPresentation 2024View|Download
62GSLEP program update MongoliaPresentation 2024View|Download
61GSLEP program update NepalPresentation 2024View|Download
60GSLEP program update PakistanPresentation 2024View|Download
59GSLEP program update RussiaPresentation 2024View|Download
58GSLEP program update UzbekistanPresentation 2024View|Download
57GSLEP Resolution 2022Official documents2022View|Download
56Sustainable economies and biodiversity conservation in snow leopard landscapesTechnical documents2022View|Download
55Snow Leopards in a Post-Covid-19 World: understanding and managing the risk of emerging infectious disease in high Asia (Russian)Policy Brief2021View|Download
54Snow Leopards in a Post-Covid-19 World: understanding and managing the risk of emerging infectious disease in high AsiaPolicy Brief2021View|Download
53Kyrgyz Outreach Calendar of Background Paper for Policy Recommendations to manage unusual and conflict situations involving snow leopardsTechnical documents2021View|Download
52Russian Translation of Background Paper for Policy Recommendations to manage unusual and conflict situations involving snow leopardsTechnical documents2021View|Download
51Urdu Translation of Background Paper for Policy Recommendations to manage unusual and conflict situations involving snow leopardsTechnical documents2021View|Download
50Hindi Translation of Background Paper for Policy Recommendations to manage unusual and conflict situations involving snow leopardsTechnical documents2021View|Download
49Dari Translation of Background Paper for Policy Recommendations to manage unusual and conflict situations involving snow leopardsTechnical documents2021View|Download
48Preliminary estimates of Mongolia’s snow leopard populationTechnical documents2021View|Download
47Transboundary cooperation for snow leopard conservation project reportTechnical documents2021View|Download
46Status of Snow Leopard and Prey in Himachal PradeshTechnical documents2021View|Download
45Management Plan for snow leopard conservation in the Russian FederationTechnical documents2020View|Download
44Management Plan for the Central Tien Shan Landscape, KyrgyzstanTechnical documents2020View|Download
43Steering Committee Meeting Proceedings 2020Technical documents2020View|Download
42Management Plan for the Karakoram-Pamir Landscape, PakistanTechnical documents2020View|Download
41Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Management Plan (2017 - 2026) Eastern Himalaya Landscape, NepalTechnical documents2020View|Download
40Management Plan for the Upper Spiti Landscape in IndiaTechnical documents2020View|Download
39Snow Leopard Conservation Action Plan for Bhutan (2018 -2023)Technical documents2020View|Download
38National Level Wildlife Protection Legislation Across Snow Leopard Range Countries (Draft)Technical documents2020View|Download
37Country Updates 2020Technical document2020View|Download
36PAWS Summit ProceedingsMeeting reports2020View|Download
35Press release GSLEP SCM 2020Technical document2020View|Download
34GSLEP Resolution 2020Official document2020View|Download
33PAWS guidelines 2020Technical documents2020View|Download
32Background Paper for Policy Recommendations to manage unusual and conflict situations involving snow leopardsTechnical documents2020View|Download
31Awareness and Education Strategy for Snow Leopard and Ecosystem ConservationTechnical documents2020View|Download
30Financing for ConservationTechnical documents2019View|Download
294th GSLEP Steering Committee Meeting ReportTechnical documents2019View|Download
28Principles and recommendations to sustainable ecotourismTechnical documents2019View|Download
273rd GSLEP Steering Committee Meeting ReportTechnical documents2018View|Download
26Conservation Asia 2018: Book of abstractsTechnical documents2018View|Download
25Shenzhen ConsensusOfficial Documents2018View | Download
24General Guidelines for Management Planning of Snow Leopard Landscapes – Revised 2018Technical documents2018View|Download
23Issykkul Statement
June 15, 2018
Official documents2018View|Download
22Valuation of ecosystem services in snow leopard landscapes of AsiaTechnical documents2017View|Download
21Inception workshop of the UNDP-GEF regional project «Transboundary cooperation for snow leopard and its ecosystems conservation»Meeting reports2017View|Download
20Statement of Concern on Snow Leopard Red List StatusOfficial documents2017View|Download
19Background Papers for snow leopard and ecosystem conservation forum policy recommendationsTechnical documents2017View|Download
18Bishkek Declaration 2017Official documents2017View|Download
17Kathmandu Resolution January 20, 2017 Official documents2017View|Download
16Addendum 8: Green Resilient Economic Development in Snow Leopard Landscape Management PlanningTechnical documents2017View|Download
15Addendum 7: Mapping to Support Snow Leopard Landscape Management PlanningTechnical documents2017View|Download
14Addendum 6: Incorporating Climate Change in Snow Leopard Landscape Management PlanningTechnical documents2017View|Download
13Addendum 5: Best Practices in Snow Leopard ConservationTechnical documents2017View|Download
12Addendum 4: Integrated Management and Governance of
GSLEP Landscapes
Technical documents2017View|Download
11Addendum 3: Stakeholder Analysis in Snow Leopard
Landscape Management Planning
Technical documents2017View|Download
10Addendum 2: Participation in ConservationTechnical documents2017View|Download
9Addendum 1: Strategic Management Planning in
Snow Leopard Landscapes
Technical documents2017View|Download
8Silent Roar: UNDP and GEF in the Snow Leopard LandscapeOfficial documents2016View|Download
7Meeting Notes Population AssessmentMeeting reports2015View|Download
6GSLEP First Steering Committee Meeting Report 2015Meeting reports2015View|Download
5Regional Enforcement Strategy to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade in Central Asia 2015-2018Technical documents2015View|Download
4Ilbirs Volume 1, Issue 1Official documents2015View|Download
3The Bishkek Declaration
on the Conservation of Snow Leopards
Official documents2013View|Download
2Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program
Technical documents2013View|Download
1Snow Leopard Fact SheetView|Download