GEF Star Projects
Eight projects leveraged over $200 million in co-financing from national and international partners
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) are key partners in the implementation of GSLEP through financial and technical support.
GEF has a long history of supporting conservation of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) and its habitat, having approved 24 total projects and invested nearly USD $100 million toward UNDP-implemented projects in all 12 range countries since 1991. Nine current GEF-financed, UNDP-implemented projects have emerged since the Global Forum in 2013 within the framework of GSLEP, representing an investment of about $45 million to support snow leopard range countries. in meeting their national targets toward achieving GSLEP objectives. These nine projects alone have leveraged over $200 million in co-financing from national and international partners. Below is an overview of these projects. For details, please refer to the publication “Silent Roar: UNDP and GEF in the Snow Leopard Landscape”. In addition, UNDP has supported various key GSLEP meetings and workshops that have been instrumental in keeping up the program’s unprecedented momentum.
Learn more about the GEF Financed UNDP implemented projects in the snow leopard landscape:

Securing Livelihoods, Conservation, SustainableUse and Restoration of High Range HimalayanEcosystems (SECURE-Himalayas), USD $11.5m
Conservation of Globally Important Biodiversity and Associated Land and Forest Resources of Western Tian Shan Mountain Ecosystems to Support Sustainable Livelihoods, $3.9m
Sustainable Natural Resource Use and ForestManagement in Key Mountainous AreasImportant for Globally Significant Biodiversity, $6.2m
Pakistan Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Programme, $4.6m
CBPF – Strengthening the Effectiveness of theProtected Area System in Qinghai Province, China to Conserve Globally Important Biodiversity, $5.3m
Conservation of Snow Leopards and their Critical Ecosystem in Afghanistan, $2.6m
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Key Globally Important Ecosystems for Multiple Benefits, $8m.
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pamir Alay and Tien Shan Ecosystems forSnow Leopard Protection and SustainableCommunity Livelihoods, $4.1m.